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Update greyeyed123 1 2024.10.03 15:19
Feeling a little overwhelmed greyeyed123 15 2024.09.22 12:28
Recovery from delusions njbruin 5 2024.09.10 00:31
Fear & Paranoia njbruin 3 2024.09.08 02:06
Aricept (Donepezil) njbruin 1 2024.09.02 00:52
Let’s share ideas for fun: NoMatterWhat 11 2024.08.26 22:51
Parkinson test results Ben1 13 2024.08.26 10:14
Caregiver who needs personal advice Cuse12 4 2024.08.16 14:19
To drive or not to drive SparkysGal 9 2024.08.02 21:42
Parkinson's Dementia july7553 19 2024.07.11 08:06
Parkinson’s Disease Dementia junipersage 4 2024.06.30 15:32
Rytary/latest appointment greyeyed123 10 2024.06.28 23:52
Feeling like I am losing this battle NoMatterWhat 17 2024.06.21 23:21
Happy Memorial Day poollady 5 2024.06.03 10:16
spen Neurosciences Patient Derived Stem Cells in Trial lurkingforacure 2 2024.05.25 11:37
So sad and angry at PD NoMatterWhat 16 2024.05.21 10:17
Promising article on AI and PD lurkingforacure 5 2024.05.08 15:13
Mom/caregiver/guilt... greyeyed123 4 2024.05.07 23:33
Eclipse poollady 4 2024.04.12 09:48
Scheduled Maintenance jsmitch 5 2024.03.31 01:07
For better or for worse💕 Nannie77 4 2024.03.18 11:45
So... greyeyed123 5 2024.03.12 13:29
Update greyeyed123 10 2024.03.12 00:40
feeling alone wearyme 9 2024.01.22 23:24
Protein? greyeyed123 1 2024.01.21 17:13

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DISCLAIMER: This website shares news, information, personal opinions, and experiences related to Parkinson's disease and caring for people with Parkinson's. It does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This content is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of something you have read on this website and its discussion forum.

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