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Topic Poster Posts Last Post
Lift LC 1 2018.05.30 13:34
Non-PD responsibilities lurkingforacure 11 2018.05.29 15:56
Friends who don't "get it" umajane 10 2018.05.26 14:55
Probiotics greyeyed123 6 2018.05.20 20:30
Wandering off lurkingforacure 7 2018.05.18 23:04
Difficult Day and Night flowers12 3 2018.05.16 13:02
No diagnosis ndenial77 20 2018.05.16 12:56
Mother's Day moonswife 3 2018.05.14 10:53
Choking LC 3 2018.05.11 14:05
New Clinical Trial jsmitch 1 2018.05.09 20:03
Grieving/Not Grieving VioletV 5 2018.05.08 20:38
Dopimine Agonists EachDay 2 2018.05.05 21:24
Great information for those of us with minor kids and dementia lurkingforacure 4 2018.05.02 19:27
Mobility Lynnie2 5 2018.05.02 11:54
Camping....? Lynn03 2 2018.04.21 15:19
Is this site down? flowers12 4 2018.04.21 09:39
Mrs. Bush’s death brings up a question... jcoff012 2 2018.04.19 14:15
My heart is just breaking lurkingforacure 4 2018.04.11 20:32
Antibiotics for UTI flowers12 1 2018.04.10 20:04
Parkinson's Focus Group jsmitch 1 2018.04.10 18:43
Just how sleepy can carbadopa/levodopa make my PWP? makrivah 13 2018.04.10 16:59
Visits to the Neurologists LOHENGR1N 9 2018.04.09 20:11
Apokyn Injections flowers12 1 2018.04.09 15:10
Parkinson’s Dementia Vicscare 5 2018.04.09 10:06
when is it time for a nursing home bassettdaddy 12 2018.04.09 09:57

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DISCLAIMER: This website shares news, information, personal opinions, and experiences related to Parkinson's disease and caring for people with Parkinson's. It does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This content is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of something you have read on this website and its discussion forum.

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