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Topic Poster Posts Last Post
Colonoscopy Prep flowers12 3 2018.04.04 14:41
From the Mayo Clinic...exercise and PWP jcoff012 2 2018.04.02 19:30
Happy Easter! And Passover! jcoff012 1 2018.03.30 16:55
Father is Drinking to cope B_Street 4 2018.03.30 01:00
For those with minor children in the home..... Busymom 8 2018.03.29 21:30
Going to bathroom in the night Vicscare 13 2018.03.29 18:19
RBD treatments greyeyed123 2 2018.03.27 10:39
It's waterproof! lurkingforacure 3 2018.03.26 21:37
Apathy... makrivah 11 2018.03.24 10:32
No Meds all day flowers12 4 2018.03.23 22:13
Surprising Answers to Assessment questions jcoff012 1 2018.03.23 16:50
Picking on son lurkingforacure 8 2018.03.18 08:13
Bathroom Accidents minime 5 2018.03.15 16:54
Clear Talking flowers12 10 2018.03.09 20:22
Bad Day? greyeyed123 7 2018.03.04 21:47
Just Need to Vent Trusting 7 2018.03.03 20:14
Crying...Crying...Crying Cathy 7 2018.03.02 23:50
We need advice Rjoyner44 2 2018.03.01 21:06
Blurred progression lurkingforacure 9 2018.02.28 12:50
amantadine greyeyed123 3 2018.02.24 13:07
Back again today with demensia Trusting 3 2018.02.20 17:00
Dental Work flowers12 12 2018.02.19 13:15
Surgery - our turn mylove 12 2018.02.17 07:22
singing therapy greyeyed123 4 2018.02.16 14:22
POA fishing15 4 2018.02.10 09:32

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DISCLAIMER: This website shares news, information, personal opinions, and experiences related to Parkinson's disease and caring for people with Parkinson's. It does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This content is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of something you have read on this website and its discussion forum.

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