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Topic Poster Posts Last Post
I just want to give up flowers12 22 2017.08.09 12:21
Staring into space Kayla 8 2017.08.07 20:04
Pills make him sleep Lynnie2 3 2017.08.01 18:06
PD sniffing dogs mylove 3 2017.07.27 23:40
Does calcium or milk bother your PWP? jcoff012 6 2017.07.25 20:18
Low protein snacks mylove 16 2017.07.25 14:18
Constipation - please provide suggestions vsgeetha 3 2017.07.24 14:25
Incontinence Olympia 5 2017.07.23 20:30
Caregiver Study jsmitch 1 2017.07.21 18:37
Tired Olympia 2 2017.07.20 11:57
Hovering and impossible to get things done lurkingforacure 6 2017.07.18 16:01
Ambiguous Loss Article makrivah 2 2017.07.11 10:15
No. one have been on for awhile fishing15 3 2017.07.10 10:56
Making hard decisions...when to do what... pinki53 22 2017.07.05 22:28
Webinar on Lewy Body Dementia flowers12 3 2017.07.05 11:34
Watch "American Ninja Warriors" Monday, July 3 at 8PM jcoff012 3 2017.07.04 14:47
New to site and need advice Kayla 3 2017.07.04 09:26
How does your PWP spend time? lurkingforacure 4 2017.07.03 11:20
Anyone using a Hoyer lift? flowers12 1 2017.07.02 11:48
Elevated Toilet Seat and lift arms flowers12 4 2017.07.01 15:42
Good Trip Lynnie2 2 2017.06.30 12:21
Need some input please - Mom's birthday VioletV 6 2017.06.27 16:36
Am I doing the right thing? AnnieJ5 7 2017.06.22 21:29
Personal preference time mylove 10 2017.06.20 13:21
Things are getting more difficult flowers12 7 2017.06.18 21:21

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DISCLAIMER: This website shares news, information, personal opinions, and experiences related to Parkinson's disease and caring for people with Parkinson's. It does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This content is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of something you have read on this website and its discussion forum.

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