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Topic Poster Posts Last Post
Parkinson's Doctor? SJWR 2 2017.01.08 23:58
Can't have a minute to myself flowers12 3 2017.01.06 11:59
PD Research makrivah 14 2017.01.06 01:31
Down for the count Sheridan 6 2017.01.06 00:46
How long since diagnosis? makrivah 19 2017.01.03 20:05
Can anything be done about excessive drooling? flowers12 8 2017.01.03 20:00
Care Giving dans316 3 2017.01.02 22:03
Research paper on loss of sense of smell lurkingforacure 1 2017.01.01 21:38
How to handle being constantly corrected... jcoff012 6 2016.12.21 20:26
Happy Holidays! jcoff012 2 2016.12.21 08:39
talking books Mary556 3 2016.12.21 08:38
Games to play flowers12 7 2016.12.16 10:25
Clozapine Daisy123 2 2016.12.13 14:28
BPH - TURP, UROLIFE, BOTOX, HoLEP? judy m 2 2016.12.13 11:30
more accidents everywhere lurkingforacure 4 2016.12.10 01:35
He is free at last DBKinNC 10 2016.12.10 00:01
Just the beginning mj13 5 2016.12.09 08:04
New and scared Yorkiefan3337 4 2016.12.06 22:47
When to file for Social Security Disability carol 4 2016.12.06 22:08
I tried the banana tea MJ635 2 2016.12.05 20:53
Dementia? Wifey 3 2016.12.03 22:36
How does anyone handle this flowers12 11 2016.12.03 14:40
A new way to think about this VioletV 7 2016.12.03 09:13
Gut Bacteria jcoff012 3 2016.12.02 20:29
nuplazid or anti-anxiety? lurkingforacure 16 2016.12.02 19:55

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DISCLAIMER: This website shares news, information, personal opinions, and experiences related to Parkinson's disease and caring for people with Parkinson's. It does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This content is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of something you have read on this website and its discussion forum.

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