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Topic Poster Posts Last Post
Upcoming surgery poollady 27 2022.03.27 05:24
PD a Secret? poollady 7 2022.03.21 00:06
Severe Tremor Episode SparkysGal 3 2022.02.21 09:50
The hospital discharged him, and he’s back home, and now I’m waiting for the next fall. I’m Falling Catlady 15 2022.02.15 15:14
I knew this day would come Checkmate 9 2022.01.11 10:46
Abdomen pain Checkmate 2 2021.12.31 20:14
We are here again Checkmate 4 2021.12.26 21:49
MERRY CHRISTMAS poollady 3 2021.12.22 07:25
Tasigna/Nilotinib lurkingforacure 3 2021.12.17 20:41
A break in the clouds junipersage 2 2021.11.12 20:53
Just an update greyeyed123 4 2021.10.18 16:14
Meditation jsmitch 9 2021.10.15 19:38
Am I a terrible person? Catlady 10 2021.10.07 20:43
Mom's DBS greyeyed123 25 2021.08.09 14:29
Remember how scared they must be, and love them through it:) lurkingforacure 5 2021.08.04 19:58
Parkinson's depression and alcohol smh 3 2021.06.18 09:19
It's Very Lonely Not Florence 17 2021.06.03 13:58
Fell out of bed junipersage 2 2021.06.01 21:34
Work accommodations junipersage 3 2021.05.25 22:52
Intermittent Symptoms seeker 7 2021.05.25 02:19
DBS update junipersage 2 2021.05.09 11:06
Confused comprehension Michelle 3 2021.05.03 20:05
Zoning out JsDaughter 3 2021.04.28 15:00
For DaytoDay (and others) lurkingforacure 2 2021.04.23 14:19
So very scared Checkmate 8 2021.04.14 14:39

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DISCLAIMER: This website shares news, information, personal opinions, and experiences related to Parkinson's disease and caring for people with Parkinson's. It does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This content is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of something you have read on this website and its discussion forum.

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