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Board Caregiver Discussion Forum [New Topic] [Info] Go to previous board Go to next board Go to higher level

Topic Poster Posts Last Post
At peace finally moonswife 7 2019.08.25 13:46
Our battle is over... Busymom 8 2019.08.25 13:42
Sinemet every 3 hours, exhaustion Cordelia1 6 2019.08.05 22:10
Road Scholar gives Caregiver Grants VioletV 1 2019.08.05 14:24
Glaucoma and PD jcoff012 4 2019.07.30 22:05
Night time pain?? Busymom 7 2019.07.28 12:55
No discernible benefit from meds lurkingforacure 6 2019.07.27 13:53
Inbrija lurkingforacure 6 2019.07.23 16:42
22 years 11 months of Parkinson's VioletV 13 2019.07.18 08:48
Any downside of hospice? Busymom 2 2019.07.15 20:37
New Guest Commentary jsmitch 1 2019.07.01 00:12
Blood Sugar and PD aleccymru 1 2019.06.30 08:32
Dealing Helpmom 8 2019.06.24 12:27
Sadness at this stage lurkingforacure 2 2019.06.16 16:00
Hi there Daisy 3 2019.06.15 21:22
Relief for Sleep Disorder reluctantcare 5 2019.06.11 21:09
Made it to 52 years! jcoff012 1 2019.06.10 22:21
Mean to pets lurkingforacure 6 2019.06.10 14:38
U- step Walker trapper 2 2019.06.10 00:21
Are any caregivers depressed...Really depressed?? meow 12 2019.06.08 00:00
Lack of resources for early age Parkinson's Shadelle 7 2019.06.03 20:28
Getting a Social Worker Involved reluctantcare 12 2019.05.31 14:33
Sleep issues jcoff012 1 2019.05.27 13:34
Cannot go on like this Cordelia1 6 2019.05.17 22:51
How do you deal with all the broken things? lurkingforacure 3 2019.05.10 11:54

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DISCLAIMER: This website shares news, information, personal opinions, and experiences related to Parkinson's disease and caring for people with Parkinson's. It does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This content is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of something you have read on this website and its discussion forum.

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