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Topic finding a personal care assistant Go to previous topic Go to next topic Go to higher level

By Mary556 On 2015.10.27 07:28
I found this site to be helpful and thought it might be a resource for someone else:

By Mary556 On 2017.04.03 23:15
This is where I found someone to help us when my parents both came out of a nursing home at the same time. They were about to be discharged and I could not care for them by myself in their weakened condition. I was feeling so tired and lost, immobilized and helpless, not knowing what to do.

I entered our zip code at the site above and found a few agencies, then chose the one that had the most stars, the best reviews. The administrators there were very understanding and compassionate. The intake nurse was incredible. She spent a lot of time on the phone with me and found just the right persons to send to us. It was a huge blessing that someone so competent and kind knew exactly what we needed and arranged everything. Within a day or two someone was at the nursing home to assess and interview my parents. We ended up having two live-in helpers (CNA), one relieving another so that there would not be overtime (in compliance with state law). My folks had opted to save for the rainy day rather than pay premiums for long term health care insurance. I'm remembering that the cost of SNF would have been similar or more.
This might not be the best solution for everyone, but worked so well for us.
In case it might be an option to consider...

It was only a few weeks before my Mom had a PD complication and passed away. We are very grateful that we could all be at home together.

God bless every one.

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