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Topic Things looking up Go to previous topic Go to next topic Go to higher level

By Lynnie2 On 2017.02.11 17:50
I see so many problems here with this disease so I thought I would tell you some good news to give someone some hope.
Last year I was getting overwhelmed and my friends thought I should get some help so I did.
Through the Alzheimer's Society, since last April I've had a PSW come for 6 hour one day a week. Mind you I have to pay $12 per hours but it's worth my sanity and gives me a break.
I go to the local pool, have lunch with a friend or by myself and do errands. or visit a friend. I have been going to the chiropractor but that has slowed down to every 2 weeks now. I pulled a ham string and left it too long but thanks to the good chiropractor, and also exercising in the pool, it is getting better.

I also take my husband to the Day Away Program at the Alzheimer's Society where they have a program for about 10 clients each day, Monday to Friday. He just goes 1 day a week, but it gives me another 5 1/2 hours by myself. It includes a hot lunch for $16 per day for the whole day. At first he didn't really want to go, but eventually he didn't complain and I think he rather enjoys it. It all men but the female staff is very good to him and there is one male staff who is great too.

I also dress and shower my husband, so recently I contacted the CCAC and they sent a male PSW to shower and dress my husband twice a week, which doesn't cost my a thing.
We also had an Occupational Therapist come out to see about things for the house. We have a free month rental for a shower chair and M Rail for the bed and I can buy it later. Also a Physio Therapist showed some exercises for him to do.
They are also going to train the PSW who comes during the week.

Also we had to go to doctor's appointment this week and I put some Depends on my husband who has problems going to bathroom in a hurry, so he was protected in case of an emergency. I was surprised he didn't complain about wearing them.
It took the stress out of travelling.
Our good friends also drove us to the appointment and dropped us off at the front of the hospital, so we didn't have to walk the cold walk from the parking garage to the entrance to the hospital which we have done many times. In the winter months it isn't very nice so I was thankful for our friends.

Anyway, things are a little better for me and I hope you people try to get help if possible.
I am still stressed at times but at least I can look forward to the breaks during the week to give me some normality with this terrible disease which has taken over our life.
I mentioned to my husband about going out for Chinese on Sunday for a Valentine treat, so I hope we can go and also we haven't been to church lately due to the weather, etc, so hopefully we can get there tomorrow.

By jcoff012 On 2017.02.11 22:00
Wow!!! Outstanding and positive! Good for you!

By Lynnie2 On 2017.02.18 08:23
We got to church last Sunday and Brunch with the church people.
For dinner also went for Chinese at a local restaurant and even had enough for the next day. I said that was our Valentine treat.
The supervisor from the Bayshore who shower and dresses my husband came on Monday to ask questions about his needs. She was here for about 2 hours although I did give her a coffee and cookie which she said wasn't necessary but appreciated.
She is going to help me fell out a form if I ever need more help from our insurance. I guess you have to have nursing care with the Community Care Assistance before the medical insurance gives you more help if needed.
I know things sound great but I do have stress at certain times but at least we are sleeping better.
The doctor increased his night time pill so he isn't up quite as often, so my sleeps are better too because I always help him got to the bathroom.
He am afraid he might fall, so I lead him to the bathroom. He is suppose to use a walker, but you can't get it in his head to do it all of the time.
He sometimes gets upset if I persist.
I tell him if he falls and hurts himself badly, I can't look after him anymore, but I don't know if that registers.

My life isn't the same and I know all you caregivers know the feeling, but I hope you can get someone to come and give you a break.
If you can't afford to pay someone, or if the programs aren't the same in the States (I live in Canada) then hopefully your friends can help out a little.
If you ask them I am sure they will be glad to do something for you. I am sure they can see how your life isn't the same.......

By Lynnie2 On 2017.04.08 11:25
Things aren't always rosy.
Last week my husband didn't want to go to the Day Away Program at he Alzheimer's Society and was very miserable when I tried to convenience him to go.
He fell the day before while trying to sit in his kitchen chair. He missed the chair completely however he was able to get up on his own and didn't break anything.
He was a little sore but only complained once however he didn't want to go anywhere that day. I can't force him, so we stayed home. He'll miss the next 2 weeks because of Good Friday and a doctor's appointment so won't be going again until the last week in April.
I hope he's in a better mood that day.

I just have to take one day at a time because every day is different

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