My wife entered a Memory Care Facility last August, as a result of hallucinations, fearfulness, and running away at night. In September we began Nuplazid (2 x 17mg daily), which after insurance and help from the Parkinson's Assistance Foundation, only cost a $10 monthly co-pay.
In common with some other patient reports, there was a dramatic improvememnt in about 3 weeks, with the hallucations and paranoia almost completely disappearing. We went on cautiously monitoring until mid-October, when she was obvously able to come back home.
However, since then (about 5 months) there has been a very gradual but consistent return of the hallucinations, but so far without appreciable paranoia. As well as the Nuplazid (and of course levodopa) she currently takes 3 x 25mg Seroquil daily. Our Neurologist is reluctant to increase the Seroquil. With no particular suggestion from Acadia, she does currently take the 2 x 17mg Nuplazid in the evening - which is different timing from that at the Facility but...
Does anyone else have similar experiences or comments on this?