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Topic Any downside of hospice? Go to previous topic Go to next topic Go to higher level

By Busymom On 2019.07.15 14:25
My husband has gotten worse and worse over the last month, he can no longer stand up straight or sit up straight or hold his head up straight, cannot manage any clothing on his own, or navigating anywhere in the house at all, he doesn't recognize even the bed right in front of him. He cannot get in or out of bed on his own, or chairs usually, or pull his covers up...his hallucinations have gotten worse, and he is having more trouble finding words. He has been having a lot of pain lately too and has been in the hospital twice this year, once with cellulitis, plus he has had a UTI recently. He really cannot be left alone anymore.

I have sent a message to his doctor requesting a discussion about hospice care. I'm not sure how they determine the "six months to probably live" rule with people with LBD or PDD or Parkinsons....but I know they say you have to agree to stop "treating to cure"...but there IS no cure anyway - honestly palliative-type care is all the doctors are doing for him anyway right now, symptom and pain control, right? What's the difference in care he would receive, does anyone know? (Except by the sound of it, he would actually RECEIVE the level of care he needs if he were receiving hospice care.) Any downside to choosing hospice care for PD or dementia patients, if they can qualify?

By VioletV On 2019.07.15 20:37
The one thing I would say is that not all hospice organizations are created equal. Visit their offices, ask doctors or others you trust who have had experience "what hospice organization have you selected for a loved one?" In my opinion a non-profit one will be a better choice. But also be aware that if one is managed by a religious group, their ideas about end of life may differ from yours.

That being said, Hospice made it possible for me to keep the important promise I made to my PWP--to keep him free of pain and free of fear. They were wonderful at the end of his life.


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