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Topic motorized scooter for advanced PD+dementia? Go to previous topic Go to next topic Go to higher level

By lurkingforacure On 2019.09.09 11:44
My husband is less and less mobile and I can't lift him or transport him from chair to toilet to bed to table, he's just too heavy and I'm small and not very strong. We had agreed long ago that when he could no longer transport himself, then that would be the time we would move him into a facility. But he still has some (rare) days where he can move on his own, and I hate to take those from him, because I know once he goes into a facility they will keep him in a wheelchair to keep him safe from falling (he falls so much now).

I am wondering if I got my husband a motorized scooter if that would allow him to be at home a bit longer? Can someone with advanced PD and dementia/ psychosis/ delusions/ hallucinations operate (safely) one of these? My husband cannot use a cell phone, TV remote (the simplest kind), or even the up/down 2-button remote of his last lift chair, so I wonder if this might actually create a dangerous situation for us.

I'll ask our neuro at our next appt coming up, but would love to hear from anyone who has any experience with one of these and PD dementia/psychosis. Thanks:)

By Lynnie2 On 2019.09.09 15:20
I am not an expert, but it seems to me that using a motorized scooter would be very difficult for him.
My husband couldn't use the remote or cell phone and I would never put him in a motorized scooter or wheelchair.
I am sure you'll get other opinions but this is my thoughts on this subject.

By lurkingforacure On 2019.09.09 20:22
Thank you, that is exactly what I thought too, but figured it was worth asking about. Not really any options when we get to this point, and it’s so frustrating.

By Checkmate On 2019.09.10 12:13
Hi Lurkingforacure
My husband had a motorized scooter before he went into long term care . I was always nervous of him when he operated it he would mistake reverse for forward etc. He does not use the scooter anymore but still thinks he can. You could try your husband in the store's automated chairs and see how he manages. That would be a good indicator.
They encourage my husband to use his walker and not the wheelchair, they also do physio with him.
Hope this helps.

By lurkingforacure On 2019.09.10 16:12
I think I'm going to have to let this idea go unless the neuro suggests it. I don't think my husband can cognitively manage a scooter, and our house is small-I could see him getting stuck in the tiny kitchen or bathroom and not being able to reverse or get turned around and then what? Especially if I am not home. Too much potential for an accident or freak-out. None of the therapists we have had have recommended it, either.

Thanks for comments. I am curious, though, what is physio, and does your long term care facility provide it as part of the monthly fee or do you have to pay extra?

By Checkmate On 2019.09.10 17:44
Hi Lurkingforacure
My husband receives physical therapy. He does daily exercises to develop his muscles and help with his mobility. He finds it very helpful. This is all covered as part of his therapy and the cost is all covered by our Government. I'm not too sure how that would work for you as we live in Canada.

By Lynnie2 On 2019.09.12 10:09
I also live in Canada and when my husband was in a long term facility, the physio was included.
They were getting him up to walk, but he had to be able to get up from a sitting position by himself. They were not allowed to lift anymore than 10 pounds.
At first he was refusing to try, but then I was there to encourage him so they walked him for about 15 minutes down the hall. They did it twice a week, until I asked if they could do it more often. They could only do it 3 times a week because of the budget. So the rest of the time he was in the wheelchair.
Then he got a sore on his foot and they didn't walk him for a month until I said something.
The therapist assessed him and said he was declining so from there on he didn't walk.
They did range exercises 3 times a week, but that's all. Range is moving the legs around and the arms.
I hope the facility where your husband goes, has a daily routine because that is what is needed. Unfortunately there is only so much budget by the government for therapy around here. +

By smooth On 2019.10.02 02:02
My PWP used a scooter and it was worse than the falls. He would go off curbs, run into things and people. It was dangerous. A wheelchair is best especially if they have dementia. A walker if they are having a good day.

By ResistanceFutil On 2020.03.04 14:58
My husband’s safe scooter use lasted about six months before his mental impairments made it unsafe. Running off curbs, falling over due to going off sidewalk, looking for cars to cross a street but only in one direction. He was having cognitive issues when we got it but has deteriorated so much in the last year it’s not safe.

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