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Topic VA Disability Go to previous topic Go to next topic Go to higher level

By shagirl On 2019.11.08 09:46
Hi all. First post here.

Does anyone here have a loved one who was granted a VA disability due to their PD? My husband was given his disability last week and is in the process of getting his status upgraded to 100% disabled, and I could use some guidance as to what to expect from someone who has been dealing with the system.

Many thanks!

By jcoff012 On 2019.11.11 22:18
My husband is not disabled, but today I receive an email from the Michael J Fox Foundation about the successful fight for “Blue Water” Veterans’ benefits. Try Googling it. Lots of good information there. Good luck!

By jsmitch On 2019.11.14 09:18
If you are not aware, DOD facilities have been granted to disabled vets and caregivers.

For more info, see

Granted, this benefit is not directly related to healthcare -- but may offer something that may not be available normally -- depending on location.

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