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Topic Our journey may help others: brain donation Go to previous topic Go to next topic Go to higher level

By lurkingforacure On 2020.03.20 16:21
Hello all,

I rarely post anymore as we've been on hospice, and well, it just sucks watching your loved one decline and you are so utterly helpless and powerless. I was told today that my husband is doing very poorly and given a guesstimate of a few days. We are struggling to cope and in the midst of it all, I am trying to see how we can donate his brain for PD research and help others, but don't know where or how to do that.

Does anyone have any experience with this? Thank you:)

By junipersage On 2020.03.20 20:11
I don't have any answers about donation but did want to reach out and give you a virtual ((hug)), lots of supportive thoughts coming your way. You've had such a hard time and I am holding you and your family in calm and light and wishing the best for you.

By Sheridan On 2020.03.20 23:09
I am so sorry for your family during this difficult time. Just today saw an article on Facebook for the “Brain donor project” that you might want to google. Sending prayers.

By lurkingforacure On 2020.03.21 14:42
Thank you both:)

I have learned that no one is accepting donated brains for at least two weeks because of the corona virus. In addition to that, many places will not accept the donated brain if the person did not pass away in a hospital. My husband is and wants to remain at home, and I am going to honor that wish. It is more important that he be where he wants when he passes than that we donate his brain.

My husband has been nonresponsive for several days and I have to give him his pain meds crushed in a syringe. They have removed all PD meds. It is such a sad time and I just hope that he only feels surrounded our love and is free of any pain.

By Busymom On 2020.03.25 18:28
Dear Lurking,
I am very sorry to hear of your husband's is a very sad time, we lost my husband under similar circumstances back in August. I believe somewhere in there he knows you are with him. My prayers go out to you and your family in this difficult time.
Hugs to you and yours ((( )))

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