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Topic Hospice to the rescue Go to previous topic Go to next topic Go to higher level

By bksquared On 2017.10.21 21:15
After some self destructive behavior, I walked into the Hospice office and asked for help. Whether my PWP would qualify was unknown. Mistakenly thought hospice was provided for those 6 months from end of life. Provided them with some information and the next morning the assessment team was here. PD and dementia met the general criteria. He also has lost speech (less than a 6 word sentence) and his ability to swallow is compromised. Add to that he is losing weight due to malabsorption in his intestinal tract due to PD. While in my home they made a phone call to their hospice doctor and he was enrolled. All week it has been a parade of support, equipment, and guidance. They watched him walk and felt he was so unstable that using his walker in public was not safe. That afternoon a transport chair fitted to his height and weight arrived. A nurse will be here 2 x a week, an aide also 2x a week. His care will be centralized to the hospice doctor, no more running around to 9 different doctor's offices. A Chaplain has been here and provided spiritual comfort and emotional counseling. She read a poem to him and they discussed it. Also, they provide 5 nights of respite at their respite site each quarter. We can have services as long as he declines, but with PD we all know that decline is slow and steady. We are no longer on this journey alone. There will be professionals here to help, even if placement becomes necessary, they know all about facilities and care homes. Best part their service is covered under Medicare. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my chest.

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