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Topic rytary Go to previous topic Go to next topic Go to higher level

By greyeyed123 On 2018.07.17 20:21
We had our neurology appointment today. Mom is doing mostly ok, so we didn't change anything. The neurologist suggested mirapex, which she took before and after 5 days insisted the floor was vibrating (I wasn't positive that was what it was from because she was having other problems at the time, but that was the only time she had that particular symptom that bad--she continued for about a year now and then to think the floor was vibrating, but while on mirapex she was hysterical about it).

Another suggestion was Rytary (I *think*, since I remember the first consonants were "r" and "t" and it was another form of carbidopa levodopa). But he said it was really expensive and may not work well. But in those people for which it DOES work, they think it works much better for them. Does anyone use rytary here? Does it work well for you?

By Busymom On 2018.07.18 14:14
We tried Rytary, it was super expensive though, but they have a program called that can help with payment especially in the beginning when you are trying it out.
However he discontinued taking it because it didn't make any positive difference but it did cause nausea. He's never found anything that helped more than plain old Sinemet so far. He does have very poor tolerance to meds, so it may work better for some others.

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